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トップページ(一覧)Collected Reports of The Shiatsu Therapy Research Lab 1998-2012
※ この論文集の日本語版は別途販売中です(指圧研究会論文集 II 1998-2012)

- 発行日:
- 2013年3月19日
- 編集:
- 学校法人浪越学園 日本指圧専門学校
- 発行:
- 学校法人浪越学園 日本指圧専門学校
- 仕様:
- A4版・83ページ
- 定価:
- 1,200円 (税込)
- 備考:
- 英語版のみ「指圧研究」ページにてPDFでも各論文を公開しています

- 1998: Effects of Shiatsu Stimulation on the Cardiovascular System
- 1999: Effects of Shiatsu Stimulation on Blood Pressure
- 2000: Effects of Shiatsu Stimulation on Peripheral Circulation
- 2001: Effects of Shiatsu Stimulation on Muscle Pliability
- 2002: Effects of Shiatsu Stimulation on Muscle Pliability (Part 2)
- 2003: Effects of Shiatsu Stimulation on Muscle Pliability (Part 3)
- 2004: Effects of Shiatsu Stimulation on Spinal Mobility and Muscle stiffness
- 2005: Effects of Abdominal Shiatsu Stimulation on Spinal Mobility
- 2006: Electrogastrogram Changes Due to Shiatsu Stimulation of the Lower Leg
- 2007: Electrogastrogram Changes Due to Shiatsu Stimulation of the Abdominal Region
- 2007: Changes to Skin Temperature in the Lower Limb Due to Shiatsu Stimulation of the Lumbodorsal Region
- 2008: Effects on Spinal Mobility of Shiatsu Stimulation to the Inguinal Region
- 2008: Effects on Autonomic Nervous Function of Shiatsu Stimulation to the Anterior Cervical Region
- 2009: Effects on Pelvic Angle of Shiatsu Stimulation to the Gluteal Region
- 2010: Effects on Pupil Diameter of Shiatsu Stimulation to the Abdominal Region
- 2011: Effects on Pupil Diameter of Shiatsu Stimulation to the Anterior Cervical and Lateral Crural Regions
- 2012: Effects on Pupil Diameter, Pulse Rate, and Blood Pressure of Shiatsu Stimulation to the Sacral Region